NSCS Advising

NSCS Advising

As Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Academic Advisors, we are here to help our students through their college career in and out of the classroom. We help students achieve their academic and career goals by assisting with the planning and scheduling of courses, referring them to relevant resources, navigating policies and procedures, and connecting them to valuable out-of-the-classroom experiences. We want you to get the most out of your experience at the University of Arizona so please feel free to connect with us and use us as a resource. Make an appointment with us at any time, for any reason. Be it academic, career, or personal, we are happy to help!

Meet Your Academic Advisors

Jacquelyn Gonzalez Headshot

Jacquelyn Valenzuela

Academic Advisor

Advises Last Names A-L


Gould-Simpson Rm. 626

Schedule an appointment with me



Robin Rarick

Interim Academic Advisor

Advises Last Names M-Ri


Schedule an appointment with me


Uphaar Dooling

Interim Academic Advisor

Advises Last Names Ro-Z



To view the memo about the interim advisors click here

Information For:

Current Students (Main Campus)

If you are a current student attending main campus, please feel free to book an appointment with your academic advisor or email us at any time using the links above. 

Please note that there are certain high-volume times of the semester (first week, priority registration advising), and you may see a variety of appointment modalities (more information below). 

We recommend at least one appointment per semester to help us ensure you are on track for graduation. 

You can find our curriculum guides, enrollment forms, and focus/emphasis declaration forms at our forms page



Arizona Online Students

New Arizona Online Students 

Please refer to the email you receive from us for next steps in scheduling an appointment! 

We kindly ask that you view the NSCS AZ Online New Student Orientation. Please watch the video and fill out the form. 

Once you have done so you may book an appointment via our Trellis Calendar. We will have appointments posted for new AZ Online students weekly. Please look for appointments titled "AZ ONLINE ONLY" on our Trellis calendars. These 30-minute appointments are just for you!

Current Arizona Online Students

You may book with us any time! We strive to provide the same experience to main campus and online students.  


Prospective Students

If you are an incoming or future UofA student and you want to learn more about our program, please contact either Jacky or Collin at the emails above. You may also visit the College of Science Recruitment website to find more information about scheduling a visit. 

For current Wildcats, and additional information, please visit our Prospective Students page. 

No Show Policy: Student appointments are considered no-shows if a student misses 1/3 of the appointment. In the case of a zoom appointment, this means the zoom room will be closed for the remainder of the appointment. For 15-minute appointments, this is 5 minutes, for 20-minute appointments this is 7 minutes, and for 30-minute appointment this is 10 minutes. This policy ensures that the advisor and student have enough time to address all questions for the appointment without being rushed and/or making the advisor late for  subsequent appointments in that block.