Frequently Asked Questions
- Jacquelyn Valenzuela advises students with last names A-K
Joslyn Torres advises students with the last names L-Z
The NSCS Program Fee is based on class standing:
Freshman/Sophomore- $65
Junior/Senior $400
The financial aid portion goes back to students in the major program with unmet federal financial need.
- Yes, see your advisor and start planning early!
- See Global Arizona for program information.
Begin with the NSCS Undergraduate Research page. We do not place students in research labs, but we can provide assistance, tips, and resources to students.
The priority registration dates are released a few weeks into the current semester. The dates are posted by the University Registrar's Office.
Find the advisor for the department of interest at the University Advising Resource Center. Please be sure to meet with advisors for each degree, major, and minor each semester!
After completing your Next Steps and the Transfer Student Academic Preview (TSAP), contact your Academic Advisor to set up an appointment. Please email them directly for your first appointment and do not schedule it on your own.
Summer and Winter sessions have different registration periods. Find more information on the Summer-Winter homepage.
Please contact the Math Department and find more information here on retesting.
Check the Transfer Credit Guide to see if your specific courses have already been approved for specific equivalencies at UA. You can use the Course Equivalency or Credit Request webpage to have course evaluated if courses are not listed in the Transfer Credit Guide. Contact Math and English directly for courses in those subjects.
You can use the Course Equivalency Guide for any in-state, public institution to check on the articulation of transfer coursework. This does not necessarily indicate how these courses meet degree requirements. Please follow up with your advisor for more specific information.
The Registrar's Office lists Dates and Deadlines for Classes with Non-Standard Start Dates. Please check there prior to the start of the semester to be aware of all dates and deadlines that could impact your ability to apply for a GRO.
If you earned credit, the exams will appear on your advisement report with the code "T" for Test Credit. The catalog indicates potential application to a UA degree. Please schedule an appointment with your advisor to confirm course credit towards specific programs.
Please follow up with your advisor to determine that you have taken the correct pre-requisites, and find information on how to send college level transcripts to the UA at the Registrar's Office.
Yes! Depending upon the course or school, you can take courses at a comparable university or community college. Select these courses and the school in advance with your advisor in order to find the right classes and stay on track with your degree plan.
You can find the Change of Schedule form on the Registrar's Office's website. You are responsible for obtaining the necessary signatures, filling out the form correctly, and submitting it in a timely manner. Please note that you are not able to add, change, or drop courses all semester long. You can find the Dates & Deadlines for the semester and academic session you are trying to change at the Registrar's Office Dates & Deadlines page.
Consult with your advisor to ensure that you are on track with the correct courses, number of units, and all applicable degree requirements. The Application for Degree Candidacy will appear in UAccess when you have reached the number of eligible units. After applying, schedule an appointment with your advisor for a degree check. See the Graduation Services website.
Class standing is based upon the number of units that you have completed. You can find more information under the Class Standing/Classification Policy in the Academic Catalog.
First Year = 1-29 units, Sophomore = 30-59 units, Junior = 60-89 units, Senior = 90+ units
UA does not have a pre-med degree. However, you should speak with Pre-Health Advising in order to find out more information about admissions and the application process. CBC also has a useful video with advice on medical school.
You can add it to your shopping cart in order to make finding the course again easier. Students who are diligent in checking UAccess for an open seat are more likely to be successful.
Contact your advisor to request a unit limit increase. Approval will be based on past academic performance and is up to the discretion of your advisor. We do not approve requests for unit limit increases for first-semester freshmen or transfer students.
Contact the institution you are transferring courses from and request to have your official transcript sent to the UA. Official Transcripts can be sent to the University of Arizona Registrar Office.
The NSCS academic advisors will be more than happy to assist you with this. Use this link to schedule an appointment with the appropriate advisor based on your last name. Schedule an appointment.
NSCS does not offer a minor but UA students have the option to create a thematic minor which they can base on NS/CS coursework. Schedule an appointment with your major advisor to learn more about a thematic minor. Contact an NSCS advisor if you need recommendations on NSCS-specific coursework for the thematic minor.
The Department of Neuroscience does offer an undergraduate minor in Neuroscience. Please email one of the NSCS advisors to discuss the minor.